
Here is the information you selected for First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers in Louisiana.

Advertised Job Skills

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This section shows the top advertised detailed job skills found in job openings advertised online for First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers in Louisiana in March 2024. (Jobs De-duplication Level 1)
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Rank Advertised Detailed Job Skill Advertised Skill Group Job Opening Match Count
1 Customer service Customer Service Skills 463
2 Restaurant management Restaurant Manager Skills 442
3 Inventory management Bill and Account Collectors Skills 264
4 Participate in the interview process Restaurant Manager Skills 83
5 General maintenance Maintenance Technician Skills 73
6 Proper food handling Cooking Skills 66
7 Food preparation Food Preparation Worker Skills 51
8 Retirement planning Financial Planner Skills 34
9 Cash handling Cashier Skills 27
10 Financial management Controller Skills 25
Graph Color: Reset Chart
The most common advertised detailed job skill for Louisiana in March 2024 was Customer service with 30.3% of the total skills found. The second most common skill was Restaurant management with 28.9% of the total skills found. The third most common skill was Inventory management with 17.3% of the total skills found.
Source: Online advertised jobs data

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