
Here is the information you selected for Nurse Anesthetists in Louisiana.

Employment Wage Statistics

Average Wage Statistical Type (click to change): Average Wage Statistical Type: Median
This section shows the estimated employment wage statistics for individuals in Louisiana employed as Nurse Anesthetists in 2022.
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This table contains Rate Type / Statistical Type, and Median
Rate Type / Statistical Type Median
Annual wage or salary $186,077
Hourly wage $80.00 or more
Graph Color: Reset Chart
The most recent State Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) survey estimates that the median hourly wage for Nurse Anesthetists in Louisiana in 2022 was $80.00 or more. The median annual wage or salary was $186,077.
Source: Labor Market Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Program
The median wage is the estimated 50th percentile; 50 percent of workers in an occupation earn less than the median wage, and 50 percent earn more than the median wage. 10th % and 90th % wage rates represent the 25th and 75th percentile of the wage distribution, respectively. Data is from a semiannual survey.

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