
Here is the information you selected for Nurse Anesthetists in Louisiana.

Required Level of Education

This section shows the results of a national survey listing the most common required level of education for Nurse Anesthetists.
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This table contains Rank, Required Level of Education, and Percentage of Respondents
Rank Required Level of Education Percentage of Respondents
1 Doctoral Degree 55.56%
2 Master's Degree 40.74%
3 First Professional Degree - awarded for completion of a program that: requires at least 2 years of college work before entrance into the program, includes a total of at least 6 academic years of work to complete, and provides all remaining academic requirements to begin practice in a profession. 3.70%
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Based on a national survey, the most common required level of education for Nurse Anesthetists is Doctoral Degree with 55.56% of respondents. The second most common is Master's Degree with 40.74% of respondents. The third most common is First Professional Degree - awarded for completion of a program that: requires at least 2 years of college work before entrance into the program, includes a total of at least 6 academic years of work to complete, and provides all remaining academic requirements to begin practice in a profession. with 3.70% of respondents.
Source: This information is based on O*NET™ data. O*NET is a trademark registered to the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.

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