
Here is the information you selected for Training and Development Managers in Calcasieu Parish, LA.

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Jobs Data Options

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Supply and Demand
Jobs and Candidates Available
Jobs and Candidates Area Distribution
Education Data
Work Experience Data

Jobs and Candidates Available

Include candidates willing to work anywhere in the state (click to change): Include candidates willing to work anywhere in the state: Yes
This section shows the number of job openings advertised online, as well as potential candidates in the workforce system in Calcasieu Parish, LA for Training and Development Managers and for the related occupational group of Management Occupations on April 26, 2024 (Jobs De-duplication Level 2Opens In New window).
Occupation Job Openings Candidates Candidates per Job
Training and Development ManagersOccupation is in National High Growth industry 1 9 9.00
Management Occupations 179 702 3.92
Occupation is in National High Growth industry
There were 1 job openings advertised online in Calcasieu Parish, LA for Training and Development Managers on April 26, 2024. There are also 179 job openings advertised online for the related occupation group of Management Occupations in Calcasieu Parish, LA on April 26, 2024. There were 9 potential candidates in the workforce system that were looking for work as Training and Development Managers in Calcasieu Parish, LA. There were also 702 potential candidates in the workforce system that were looking work for in the related occupation group of Management Occupations in Calcasieu Parish, LA.
Job Source: Online advertised jobs data
Candidate Source: Individuals with active résumés in the workforce system.

Jobs and Candidates Area Distribution

Include candidates willing to work anywhere in the state (click to change): Include candidates willing to work anywhere in the state: Yes
Average Wage Statistical Type (click to change): Average Wage Statistical Type: Median
This section shows the distribution of number of job openings advertised online, as well as potential candidates in the workforce system for Training and Development Managers in Louisiana by parishes on April 26, 2024 (Jobs De-duplication Level 2Opens In New window).
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Rank Area Name Median Wage Job Openings Candidates Candidates per Job
1 Orleans Parish $92,839
state level wages
1 14 14.00
2 Calcasieu Parish $92,839
state level wages
1 9 9.00
3 Rapides Parish $92,839
state level wages
1 9 9.00
4 East Baton Rouge Parish $92,839
state level wages
2 14 7.00
5 St. Charles Parish $92,839
state level wages
2 11 5.50
6 Lafayette Parish $92,839
state level wages
2 10 5.00
7 Acadia Parish $92,839
state level wages
0 9 N/A
8 Ascension Parish $92,839
state level wages
0 11 N/A
9 Assumption Parish $92,839
state level wages
0 9 N/A
10 East Feliciana Parish $92,839
state level wages
0 10 N/A
Graph Color: Reset Chart
The parishes in Louisiana with the highest number of potential candidates in the workforce system per online job opening for Training and Development Managers on April 26, 2024 were Orleans Parish with 14 potential candidates and 1 job openings; Calcasieu Parish with 9 potential candidates and 1 job openings; and Rapides Parish with 9 potential candidates and 1 job openings.
Job Source: Online advertised jobs data
Candidate Source: Individuals with active résumés in the workforce system.
Wage Source: Labor Market Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Program
The median wage is the estimated 50th percentile; 50 percent of workers in an occupation earn less than the median wage, and 50 percent earn more than the median wage. Data is from a 2022 survey.

Education Level of Available Candidates

Include candidates willing to work anywhere in the state (click to change): Include candidates willing to work anywhere in the state: Yes
This section shows the educational attainment of potential candidates in the workforce system that are looking for jobs as Training and Development Managers in Calcasieu Parish, LA on April 26, 2024.
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Rank Education Level Potential Candidates Percentage of Potential Candidates
1 High School Diploma or Equivalent 0 N/A
2 1 Year of College or a Technical or Vocational School 2 22.22%
3 Associate's Degree 2 22.22%
4 Bachelor's Degree 2 22.22%
5 Master's Degree 3 33.33%
Graph Color: Reset Chart
The most common education level of potential candidates in the workforce system that are looking for work as Training and Development Managers in Calcasieu Parish, LA on April 26, 2024 is a Master's Degree with 33.33% of the total candidate résumés in the workforce system. The second most common requirement is a 1 Year of College or a Technical or Vocational School with 22.22% of the total candidate résumés in the workforce system. The third most common requirement is a Associate's Degree with 22.22% of the total candidate résumés in the workforce system.
Source: Individuals with active résumés in the workforce system.

Work Experience of Available Candidates

Include candidates willing to work anywhere in the state (click to change): Include candidates willing to work anywhere in the state: Yes
This section shows the work experience of potential candidates in the workforce system that are looking for jobs as Training and Development Managers in Calcasieu Parish, LA on April 26, 2024.
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Rank Experience Potential Candidates Percentage of Potential Candidates
1 Less than 1 year 1 11.11%
2 1 Year to 2 Years 0 N/A
3 5 Years to 10 Years 1 11.11%
4 More than 10 Years 7 77.78%
Graph Color: Reset Chart
The most common experience level of potential candidates in the workforce system that are looking for work as Training and Development Managers in Calcasieu Parish, LA on April 26, 2024 is More than 10 Years with 77.78% of the total candidate résumés in the workforce system. The second most common requirement is Less than 1 year with 11.11% of the total candidate résumés in the workforce system. The third most common requirement is 5 Years to 10 Years with 11.11% of the total candidate résumés in the workforce system.
Source: Individuals with active résumés in the workforce system.